Weight Loss FAQs

Answering Your Weight Loss FAQs

Many people have weight loss goals, but navigating the various weight loss methods can be challenging. If you want to lose weight and have questions on where to start, Bothell Regenerative Medicine in Bothell and Monroe, WA, can help. We are here to answer frequently asked questions about weight loss to help you begin your journey to a healthier and happier you.


Can I Lose Weight Without Exercise?

Although exercise aids in weight loss, it is not the only factor to consider. Calorie balance and a nutritious diet remain paramount for maintaining a healthy weight. Caloric deficit along with eating healthier whole foods helps you lose weight more efficiently. However, including physical activity accelerates your weight loss and promotes better overall health.

What Is Integrative Medicine’s Role in Weight Loss?

Integrative medicine focuses on figuring out the root cause of weight gain in order to restore function and promote wellness. Integrative medicine uses innovative techniques to enhance your metabolism, optimize hormone levels, and address underlying health issues contributing to weight gain. This form of healthcare offers a holistic and integrative approach to achieving sustainable weight loss and improved well-being.

How Does Medical Weight Loss Differ from Normal Methods?

Medical weight loss programs from Bothell Regenerative Medicine are tailored to each person’s needs. Unlike traditional weight loss methods that focus solely on diet and exercise, medical weight loss plans include a combination of dietary adjustments, medications, exercise regimens, and behavioral therapy. Combining these methods into one program helps address underlying health conditions and metabolic imbalances contributing to weight gain, resulting in more effective and longer-lasting results.

What Is Semaglutide and How Does It Aid In Weight Loss?

Semaglutide is a once weekly injectable prescription medication used for weight management. Although semaglutide was first made for treating type 2 diabetes, under the name Ozempic, this medication can lead to substantial weight loss when paired with diet and exercise. More recently it has been approved for weight loss under the name Wegovy for people with obesity (BMI > 30) or those with excess weight (BMI >27) along with another condition (high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes).  The major difference between the Ozempic and Wegovy is the dosing schedule, but the base component, semaglutide, is the same. Semaglutide mimics and regulates hormones that influence hunger and appetite, helping promote feelings of fullness and reduced cravings.

The benefits of semaglutide are countless. Semaglutide leads to significant weight loss with an average of 15% body weight reduction when used in combination with diet and exercise. It also helps improve blood markers such as blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol as well as reduces the risk of developing or worsening certain conditions like type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure and more.


Are Vitamin Injections Beneficial for Weight Loss?

Vitamin deficiencies often disrupt metabolic processes and make weight loss challenging. For example, Vitamin B12 helps convert food into energy. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to fatigue and hinder your ability to exercise effectively. We can assess your nutritional needs and recommend vitamin injections to address deficiencies impacting your weight and overall health.

Visit Bothell Regenerative Medicine to Begin Your Weight Loss Journey Today

If you want to begin your weight loss journey and are searching for “semaglutide or weight loss near you” to get you started, look no further than Bothell Regenerative Medicine in Bothell and Monroe, WA. We can design a weight loss plan that uses integrative methods to help you feel your best again. Call us and schedule an appointment today at (425) 402-4787 to embark on your wellness journey.


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